Я слышал лишь об одном побочном эффекте, и то не доказанном, - судороги.
" Вывод: Всё, что не очень полезно для организма - обладает канцерогенным действием.
>есмотря на то что он разрешен уже давно, всегда подчеркивалось, что влияние креатина на организм при долгом применении не изучено.
Конечно, логика, что он возможно обладает..., нааамного убедительней.
Раз и навсегда поставим точку в канцерогенности креатина...Нет её и не будет! Доказано и факт:
Food Chem Toxicol. 2006 Dec;44(12):2086-91. Epub 2006 Aug 8.
Formation of mutagenic heterocyclic aromatic amines in fried pork from Duroc and Landrace pigs upon feed supplementation with creatine monohydrate.
Pfau W, Rosenvold K, Young JF.
Umweltmedizin Hamburg e.V. and Institute of Toxicology, Hamburg University, D-22527 Hamburg, Germany.
wolfgang.pfau@GAB-consult.deHeterocyclic aromatic amines (HAA) have been shown to induce tumours at various organ sites in experimental animal studies and high levels of dietary intake of HAA have been associated with increased cancer risk in humans. These HAA are formed in meat upon heating from precursors such as amino acids, reducing sugars and creatine or creatinine. Groups of ten Duroc and ten Landrace pigs received feed supplemented with creatine monohydrate (CMH) for five days prior to slaughter at dose levels of 12.5, 25 and 50 g per animal per day. Ten control animals of each breed received the non-supplemented feed. Meat from Duroc pigs had been shown to respond to CMH supplementation with regard to waterholding capacity, juiciness, post slaughter pH and colour parameters, meat from Landrace pigs was unaffected. Indeed, while creatine phosphate levels in meat from Duroc pigs increased in a dose-dependent manner with CMH supplementation, no effect was observed in meat from Landrace pigs. Meat slices from longissimus dorsi were fried and considerable mutagenic activity was detected in meat extracts in Salmonella typhimurium YG1019 in the presence of rat-liver homogenate. However, no effect of breed or CMH supplementation was observed in fried pork on the formation of HAA determined as mutagenic activity. It may be concluded that feed supplementation with CMH at levels up to 50 g per day for five days prior to slaughter does not increase the level of heterocyclic aromatic amines detected as mutagenic activity formed upon frying of pork.
PMID: 16973250 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]