Fiber Type Composition and Capillary Density in Relation to Submaximal Number of Repetitions in Resistance Exercise.
Terzis G, Spengos K, Manta P, Sarris N, Georgiadis G.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between skeletal muscle fiber type composition and the maximum number of repetitions performed during submaximal resistance exercise. Twelve young men performed a maximum repetitions test at 85% of 1 repetition maximum (1RM) in the leg press, which was repeated after 1 week. Seven days after the second 85% 1RM test, they performed a maximum repetitions test at 70% of 1RM in the leg press. This test, at 70% 1RM, was repeated 7 days later. One week before the initiation of the testing sessions, a biopsy sample was obtained from the vastus lateralis muscle and analyzed for fiber type distribution, fiber cross-sectional area, and capillary density (
A low and nonsignificant relationship was found between the fiber type distribution or percent fiber type area and the number of repetitions performed at either 70% or 85% 1RM. Moreover, the number of repetitions performed at 70% or 85% of 1RM was not related significantly with 1RM strength. In contrast, the number of repetitions performed at 70% 1RM was significantly correlated with the number of capillaries per mm of muscle cross-sectional area (r = 0.70; p = 0.01).
These results suggest that fiber type composition is not the major biological variable regulating the number of repetitions performed in submaximal resistance exercise. Rather, it seems that submaximal strength performance depends on muscle capillary density, which is linked with the endurance capacity of the muscle tissue.
цель исследования - установить есть ли связь между количеством повторов в упражнении с непредельным весом
и мышечной композицией.
12 молодых людей выполнили максимальное количество повторов жима ногами с весом 85% от 1ПМ
через неделю они выполнили тоже упражнение с 70% от 1ПМ
эта процедура была повторена через неделю
за неделю до тестов была взята биопсия из Vastus lateralis и
проверена на предмет композиции, площади сечения и капиляризации
не была выявлена сильная зависимость между композицией и количеством повторов с 70 и 85% от 1ПМ
была выявлена сильная зависимость между капиляризацией и количеством повторов с 70 и 85% от 1ПМ
эти результаты предлагают что композиция мышцы не является фактором определяющим
возможности выполнить то или иное количество повторов с непредельным весом
скорее всего эти возможности больше связаны с выносливостью мышцы